Think before you pitch!

We need to talk…
We love working with PRs. We’ve been fortunate enough to work with many of you on some fantastic features over the years – and we want to continue doing so in future.
That said, we need to face up to the fact that our working relationship isn’t always healthy.
You get frustrated when we turn down some of your clients for (free) editorial coverage. We get frustrated when you automatically reject (paid) marketing/advertising pitches that we send to your clients.
We will guarantee coverage for your clients
You’ve been sent to this page because we’d like to meet in the middle, for our mutual benefit.
You have clients who pay you for coverage. We’ll happily guarantee that coverage on the basis that you and your clients make a token effort to support our publication.
Sounds fair. What’s the next step?
Before you send your next pitch, please look at our advertorial rates.
Tell us about it (and your preferred option) when you send your next pitch and we will guarantee coverage for any 2 clients you like.
If your client is grossly unsuitable for us, we will tell you.
Guaranteed coverage. No more ignored/denied pitches. Let’s help each other out.