Activation of IKHÉA©SERVICES N°24 (variant) Wasting Time and N°30 (variant 2) Exhibit/Destroy.
Galerie Perrotin, Paris | 16 May – 2 June 2012
IKHÉA©SERVICES occur unexpectedly and disappear, lost in processes, without leaving a trace. Two IKHÉA©SERVICES will be activated at the gallery from 16 May to 2 June, 2012, Wasting Time and Exhibit/Destroy. With Wasting Time, the common trend to buy more and more time – the fever of ‘I always want more, I always do more’ in a shorter time frame, will be considerably revisited. As for To Exhibit/To break, talking about it would risk inactivating it. The only thing there is to know is that it was subtly combined with Wasting Time. But how? See you at the gallery.