Bob Dylan, one of the world’s most important and influential cultural icons of a generation with global influence in every aspect of ou modern culture will not contribute his impact on the world of visual art. Washington Green Fine Art Publishing prepares to publish ‘The Drawn Blank Series 2011’ to mark Dylan’s 70th birthday.
‘The Drawn Blank Series 2011’ will be simultaneously unveiled at 9 AM on Saturday 23 July across selected art galleries in the UK, an exclusive glimpse being given on Friday 15 July online at . The limited edition graphics (personally signed by Bob Dylan) feature previously unpublished imagery and newly revealed treatment from Dylan’s work which will undoubtedly set his place in art history.
“Glyn Washington, managing director and co-founder of Washington Green Fine Art, believes The Drawn
Blank Series 2011 marks a defining moment in the singer/songwriter’s visual art journey. “Dylan’s art
is the product of an extraordinary, inventive imagination. The same mind, hand and eye that made
the songs, has turned again in an astonishing new direction. How privileged are we, as Dylan reaches a
pivotal ‘three score years and ten’, to be able to view, absorb and enjoy another creative outpouring from
such a cultural icon.”Taken from drawings Dylan created whilst on the road from 1989 to 1992, these expressive works
capture the artist’s chance encounters and uniquely combine the everyday with the extraordinary and
the intimate, personal moments in Dylan’s life. Dylan’s brush dances loosely and “without affection” to a
previously unpublished title Mexico and then across the transitory world of life on the road; from Sidewalk
Cafe through Motel Pool, and on to Truck all of which provide “some kind of panoramic view of the world”
as Dylan saw it… always restless, always on the move.
Walking in art history’s path, first trodden by the Fauvists and followed through by Warhol, Dylan returns
to familiar themes such as Man on a Bridge and Woman in Red Lion Pub, powerfully transforming this
generation of paintings – with the use of different tones and evocative shades – nuances which breathe a
new freshness and different resonance to each of his works of art.Dylan’s life and work over seven decades continues to excite great public interest around the globe and
this year alone has seen the publication of four books on Dylan’s life. Passing comment on The Drawn
Blank Series 2011, Sid Griffin author of Million Dollar Bash: Bob Dylan, the Band and the Basement Tapes
said: “The Drawn Blank Series by Bob Dylan is edging towards the same legendary status as other classic
Dylan artistic endeavors such as the Basement Tapes, his Chronicle memoirs or his 1966 World Tour. Via
Dylan’s portraits of solitary figures caught in the moment, streets devoid of traffic and unoccupied yet
fully furnished rooms, we get a rare chance to look through the very same lens as Dylan as he focuses
on the world as he sees it. The art gives a tantalising glimpse into the mindset of a famously restless
artistic soul. Seemingly as indebted to nineteenth century French painters in these paintings as he is
to nineteenth century French poets in his music, The Drawn Blank Series continues to give Dylan’s fans
previously unexpected wonderment in a new field and proves their faith in one of the great creative
minds of our time was not unfounded.” “
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Add YoursThank you for Bob for your inspiring works!