Exposition “Peindre C’est se Faire Plaisir” à l’Espace Culturel Leclerc de Vence


“To paint is pleasure, the benefit of the present instant, it is ecstasy: The connection with oneself, making us  melt into the ALL. This vision of the universe emerges with strength and imposes itself on the canvas, a voluntary messenger of an unknown past or a foreseeable future, the painter makes the colors dance: they come alive, and twist into pictures materialized on the canvas, the expression of a strong and an intoxicating emotion of love.”   Cappone


“In full symbiosis with space, nature and time, made happy by these exceptional moments, these rare instants so sought for by the lover satiated by love, the fullness replaces the enthusiasm, the peace replaces the movement, the painter savors… “


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