At last some good news for a small business amidst the relentless economic gloom. The young British painter Luke Martineau opened his latest exhibition in London’s West End with a near sell out launch party on Tuesday. The majority of the seventy oil paintings were snapped up by collectors within the first half an hour of the opening, sales totalling nearly a quarter of a million pounds. As one of Britain’s leading traditional painters he is one of the few artists of his generation to find success outside of the more fashionable conceptual YBA scene.
Although his gallery, West End dealers Panter & Hall, show work from across the spectrum of style and technique, the gallery has found a definite polarisation of sales towards the representational, academic end of the art market during the recession. The success of Martineau’s exhibition in the current climate is a reassuring sign that the ‘squeezed middle’ are still prepared to buy reasonably priced good quality art where riskier more contemporary works are struggling.
To view the exhibition see the gallery website