Any Coloured Thing, is an exhibition by Nuala Gregory that explores how colour and sensation can influence our understanding of objects.
Gregory’s work draws on her investigations into painting, printmaking, collage and colour, advancing the proposition that art can produce effects which escape the bounds of representation and operate instead at the level of bodily sensation.
In her writing she explores ideas on contemporary painting as follows:
“Post-medium and post-conceptual theories of art suggest that painting is not so much dead as posthumous, enduring an unending afterlife. Its achievement is certain but insufficiently understood, and so it lingers on (as embarrassment, enigma, or happy commodity) in the digital age.
Conflict, Commemoration, Collecting & Remembering
12 – 15June 2012
Belfast Exposed and Golden Thread Gallery present a series of exploratory talks examining the role of art making and art institutions in the representation of war, its effects and its legacy. The talks will accompany the exhibitions Open Shutters Iraq at Belfast Exposed (11 May – 15 June) and Loss, curated in collaboration with the Imperial War Museum, at Golden Thread Gallery (31 May – 28 July).
31st May – 28th July 2012
Jananne Al-Ani, Annabel Dover, Rozanne Hawksley & Steve McQueen.
Curated in collaboration with IWM (Imperial War Museums)
Conflict and loss are so intrinsically linked that the problem of how to remember, how to memorialise, is ever-present. Being based in Belfast, the Golden Thread Gallery has confronted this problem in relation to Northern Irish issues on many occasions, but Loss, curated in collaboration with IWM (Imperial War Museums), looks at loss, conflict and war as simultaneously personal and common to all.
Written by: admin on June 7, 2012.