Tribal art in Kenya: Anthony Russell


The Art Collector supports many initiatives in Kenya through the work of Anthony Russell, see here.

A large percentage from sales of Anthony’s works go to conservation projects in Kenya. He has worked with Richard Leakey, Ian Douglas Hamilton, the Honourable Member of Parliament George Saitoti, Paul Allen and Donna Karan on community design orientation projects and pure wildlife protection projects.

Anthony has had the support of his endeavours from Calvin Klein and Stephano Gabbana to Ronnie Wood & David Bailey, and foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the UN and the European Union biodiversity programs.

Anthony Russell’s art has a haunting quality about it. The sepia tones hark back to old colonial times, sharply contrasting with vivid tribal images and large iconic photographs of wild life, the whole fusing into a passionate and poignant tribute to conservationism in Africa. The resulting contrast of cultures and colours, as well as the unique to the artist use of different media, imbue the canvasses with powerful sensuality, muted yet palpable danger, and a potent sense of what Africa is about – a continent of contradictions, raw earthiness and compelling beauty like no other.

Vassilissa Conway – Art Editor, B Beyond magazine

The END OF THE LION is a photographic art exhibition based on collages of old photographs (from Russells’ father’s archives) and contemporary images shot by both artists. It debuted in Singapore, with 37 pieces sold to date, each of them totally unique.

Russell is passionate about Africa rainforest conservation. His collaboration with Mazzucco is a continuing one and they are hoping to exhibit their works in other parts of the world too.

After having viewed these beautiful works, why not take a trip to Mandy Bay Resort:



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